Tuesday, 31 October 2017
My last ride to Jason VIP !
My sister is right. At times like these, I actually forget that I am here (Karachi) for a bigger purpose (dentistry).So, my sister is shifting. And on my last ride to her residence, I felt like it's like the end of an era.
My thoughts will be most likely, appreciated by those of you who at some point in their lives have lived away from home. And during that period you have had craved home or something like your home away from home. The feel. Whether it be a friend or a hangout place or a coffee shop, grocery store, be it anything. We all look for a place akin to our house back in our hometown. A place where we enter and leave without obligations or responsibilities thrown in our way. Where we can just be. The place which is at its best your Narnia or your Mirror of Erised.
So, this house has seen me from weak, meager and miserable to astonishingly strong and successful (in some areas of course!). My first stomach lurching freelance project to my first blog, my imm exam and the night before it and the morning of the exam where it was raining soothingly when I left shivering with fear, to when I heard the good, bad and ugly of the news, this house has hosted me well. It has been my room of requirements so to say :P. My cinderella getaway where I could return late than the designated time.
The reality struck me that I won't be barging in this house anytime I want from now on, when I rung the doorbell and someone other than my sister or her husband showed up at the door. We were off to shift some of the leftover things. And it was then when it dawned on me that my very own T2F is gone :).
So, those of you reading this be a little kinder to people around you, especially those away from home as they are already fighting many battles that you don't know about. Keep everyone around you guarded and protected and covered in every other possible way. For someone, you might be the angel they are wishing for. Don't become a human for them :).
Monday, 30 October 2017
Pointers for Moms---- Some tooth related facts
Also if you are a parent to a growing child you must know when to visit your dentist.
It's a checklist, go through the list and let me know if there is anything else I can help you all with :)
1- If your baby is having her/his milk teeth erupted then the gaps are good. There have to be gaps between teeth because milk teeth are smaller in size and when permanent teeth, which are bigger in size, will erupt they will eventually cover those spaces.
2- If your child is 7-8 or 7-9 yrs old and there is a gap between upper front 2 teeth in the center, Again! it is good and perfectly normal. This stage is called ugly duckling stage and by the time permanent canines (pointed teeth at the corner of the mouth) erupts, this space will close spontaneously.
3- Between 8-9, 8-10 yrs of age you might see that lower front teeth are crowded or you might experience "extra" or "the double teeth" as some people would call it. The reason behind this is when permanent teeth begin to erupt, they erupt behind the milk teeth and then come forward. If there is a delay in milk teeth falling and permanent tooth eruption you might experience this. Don't worry just visit your dentist. And you will be informed that whether or not the milk teeth need to be extracted.
4- If any of the milk teeth are lost before 6 yrs or it needs extraction, inquire your dentist about the need of a space maintainer. Or more appropriately visit an orthodontist just to be sure. The space maintainer is mandatory in certain conditions where you want to save the space for permanent teeth which are yet to erupt. Otherwise, space will be lost and teeth will be stuck inside the bone.
5- The age of the first ever orthodontic visit averages 8-10 yrs for a girl and 9-11 yrs for a boy. If you feel that upper teeth are behind lowers you will probably want to visit in 7-8 yrs for girl/boy both.
(These ages are for local Pakistani population)
6- As soon as your baby turns 1 and has already started taking solids and teething just wipe the mouth of your baby with those flexible finger brushes or just with a finger, to begin with.
7- Do not make a habit of giving your child sweetened milk or rooh afza or any juices before he/she sleeps with the bottle in the mouth. It will lead to tooth decay and all of the upper front teeth will turn black or they will decay. If the baby takes juices or any other sweetened juice, don't forget to rinse the mouth before they sleep. (this is for the babies older than 1.5yrs old)
If you face any of these situations, Don't Panic! Just visit a dentist!
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