Saturday, 13 April 2024

Feelings Unlimited (02)

 Well part 01 was never published so..... here we go.

What do we associate with events in earlier part of our lives becomes totally different as we grow older. 

Connotations as I call them.

Funerals for example, become a place of meet ups, catch ups. It is strange, as a child funeral is something which scares you. You try and avoid it all costs. They have, sadly, become the new norm. You see people smiling out of joy, for the sake of long lost relationship that you had with somebody....and for some odd reasons you couldn't keep up with and them BAM you all meet at a funeral. For a second your totally forget why you're there (wherever you are geographically) and reminisce the old utopian feeling. 
You travel back in time and you cherish the very life you once someone's funeral (i.e. end of life).

Also, sometimes you walk back into an old house after ages and your body feels Exactly as it felt in 1990 s or early 2000 s.....i.e. the last time you set your foot into that place at much happier times. You notice that everything has changed and this confuses you even more.

It is very likely that at death of someone you start missing someone else. Feelings, I tell you are funny things.

One also sees that there are so many people who are connected to you with an invisible string. How? 
You all have been somewhere at exactly the same time periods in your lives without ever crossing paths. In different eras. In different time zones. In different circumstances. 

You start becoming humanized. You start knowing who was your circle, square or your triangle initially. 

You also witness the outgrowth of each other from eachother s lives.

You witness the grand picture in the past and the future ....all in one frame.

It is strange. Events feel different at different ages.

Wisconsin, Venn Diagram and the Silent Cheerleader

 04 October 2024  Friday This is exactly why I am afraid of Thursdays and Fridays now. People leave.  Moazam chacha left. And I went back in...